Mobile Antennae

Mobile Antennae
Home constructed mobile antennae for 10 to 160 metres. The design is based upon the Hustler mobile antenna and the length has been optimised to give both good RF performance whist being capable of operation at normal road speeds.
The antenna is centre loaded and it is most important to ensure the loading coil is well clear of the vehicle body. The base impedance may be as low as 27 ohms, so attempting to match the antenna with an ATU or any device looking for 50 ohms will result in degradation of the performance. For optimum results, the antenna must be resonated on the specific frequency in use.
Mobile Antenna

RF Output falls rapidly away from Resonance

1. To work efficiently the short mobile antenna must be resonant.
2. At the resonant frequency F0 the antenna generates the maximum voltage across the antenna and the maximum current through it, with the correct phase relationship. Efficiency drops rapidly as you move away from the resonant frequency
3. Will an ATU resonate the antenna? NO!
4. Will an ATU change the antenna SWR? NO!
5. Will an ATU ensure maximum output? NO!
6. So what does an ATU do in a mobile installation?
It can fool the transmitter and the operator, but not the antenna!
7. Most amateurs have become used to tuning for a minimum indicated SWR. This is meaningless in a mobile installation.
WHY? An efficient mobile whip is unlikely to be 50 ohms. An inefficient one may be!
Minimum SWR is NOT an indication of maximum radiation; it simply means the tuning device has managed to match the antenna to 50 ohms, but the ATU cannot change the the voltage and current distribution in the antenna and has little or no effect on its resonant frequency so will not produce the correct phase relationship for optimum radiation.
8. The only sure way to tune an antenna is to change its physical characteristics.
9. Once the antenna has been resonated at the operating frequency, an ATU can then be used as an Impedance Transformer.
10. If the loading coil is placed at the top of the antenna, the RF current flows through the entire length of the antenna, giving rise to the highest radiation efficiency for a given antenna length. On the negative side, raising the inductor reduces the capacitance to ground, with the result that more turns are required on the coil to resonate the antenna. Unless heavier gauge wire is used, the DC resistance of the coil will increase raising the base impedance, but reducing the overall efficiency. Top loaded antennae may be difficult to manage mechanically in a mobile installation and may be more suited to fixed base operation. An interesting characteristic can be observed by increasing the length of antenna below the loading coil on a LF mobile antenna. Raising the coil also results in a reduced capacitance to ground causing an increase in F0 rather than decreasing it as one might expect with a longer overall antenna length. In effect if you increase the length of the base mast, it will also be necessary to increase the top section capacitance to bring the antenna back to resonance.
11. If the loading coil is placed at the base of the antenna it is mechanically more stable, making design simpler, especially for multiband operation; the inductance values required are lowest minimising any resistive losses however; the radiation efficiency is low because there is little or no length of antenna carrying RF current. Typical ATAS and Screwdriver types (Jack of all trades but master of none!).
12. The Centre (or slightly above centre) loaded whip provides a good compromise achieving an optimum L-C ratio, mechanical stability, and good radiation efficiency. This type of antenna is usually confined to single band operation; the Hustler remains one of the best commercially available. The Webster Bandspanner dating from the 1960s was a commercially made multiband antenna with remote adjustment of the inductance.
13. Helically wound antennae made from a continuously wound coil may offer greater mechanical stability compared to a centre loaded whip of the same length however: the radiation efficiency is comparable with a centre loaded whip of similar length. Helicals are typically mono-band however; G-Whip offered a three band helical employing a slide switch, and a removable top section. The base impedance of this antenna was typically 17 ohms on 28 MHz resulting in an indicated SWR of around 3:1 at resonance.
14. Low resistance grounding at the antenna base is essential for optimising performance as well as minimising noise and RFI. In a short vertical antenna the Earth current = Antenna current. The location of the antenna should take into account the presence of a good earth consequently, bumper mounting may result in better performance than roof mounting where obtaining a good RF earth may prove difficult. Mag mounts which provide no grounding at all may give rise to earth currents circulating in the feed cable!

a) Receiver Noise Level
b) Grid Dip Meter
2. APPLY SIGNAL SOURCE (Low PWR Tx)Sweep across required Band

3. Note "PEAK" on FS Meter (Distance >6ft) Maximum radiation.
4. ADJUST ANTENNA LENGTH to move "PEAK" to desired operating frequency.
5. CHECK MAX RF OUTPUT on desired frequency (FS meter).
6. CHECK SWR - Min SWR will not coincide with max field strength, may be as high as 3:1 at resonance

7. MATCH BASE IMPEDANCE to reduce SWR (ATU, AMU, Transformer etc)
9. Make a Calibration Chart for adjusting the antenna length; it can be critical to 1/16th inch.
Note: When the antenna impedance is correctly matched, the min SWR at the transmitter may also coincide with the resonant point i.e. Min SWR will now occur with maximum output and may be used as an indication of Resonance.
G3TSO Mobile Antenna Page
Some useful information for tuning mobile antennas gained the hard way!

Antenna Matching Transformer
(9ft on LF Bands - 6 ft 6ins on HF Bands)

Note: Base loaded antenna will be worse and top loaded marginally better. As the antenna moves away from resonance, or if lower quality coils are used, the figures may be considerably worse.

1. Capacitor series match allows some pulling of antenna frequency - single band operation
2. Capacitor shunt match OK for LF single band operation
3. Inductive shunt more suitable for higher frequency single band operation
4. Transformer match allows easy multiband operation for antennas between 12.5 and 50 ohms..
5. Do not try to tune the antenna with the transformer! Change the length of the antenna.