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Modular HF SSB/CW Transceiver


Modular HF SSB Transceiver

This transceiver was designed as a multiband version of the 160m mobile SSB transceiver. The IF was changed to 9 MHz to facilitate a 5.0 - 5.5 MHz VFO. A new PA design was used using cheap CB power transistors capable of producing 15W PEP output. The CW keyer from the earlier radio was included together with an ALC system based upon the Drake TR7

The fundamental purpose of this transceiver was to build a hombrew radio no larger than a typical Japanese commercial transceiver. The WARC bands were not incorporated in the prototype however: details were added to the design for those who wanted to add the extra bands. The Frequency counter was complex as the IF offsets available on the OKI counter did not include 9 MHz. For that reason the counter which mixes both VFO and carrier frequencies was not published. Approximately 300 versions of this transceiver were built and PCBs were manufactured professionally for the project.

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